December 2, 2024

Let’s chat about something that could change how you create content online. Imagine crafting hooks for your videos that people can’t resist. Sounds amazing, right? Well, it might just be simpler than you think. There’s an old book that holds the secret to crafting killer hooks that keep your viewers glued to the screen.

In my last video, I touched on how crucial your video hook is. Seriously, it’s the make-or-break part of your video. If people aren’t sticking around to watch, your hook might be the culprit. Now, you’ve probably come across a ton of formulas claiming to give you the perfect hook. But if these aren’t working for you, don’t stress. You might just be missing one key element.

Here’s the deal: You need to tap into what’s called a mass trending desire. This concept is a game-changer. Your video content, no matter how awesome, won’t hit the mark if there’s no audience clamoring for it. So how do you figure this out?

– First, let’s talk about this must-read book: *Breakthrough Advertising* by Eugene Schwartz. – Written in 1966, this book is a must-have for anyone serious about marketing and copywriting. – The wisdom packed in just the first chapter is enough to change your approach.

Your content is only as good as the desires it fulfills.

The takeaway here is powerful. Youve got to target those desires that are already trending on a massive scale. This isn’t about reinventing the wheel. It’s about understanding what people want and aligning your content with those desires.

Once you start applying the principles from Schwartz’s book, you’ll notice a shift. Suddenly, your videos start attracting more eyes. It’s like magic, but it’s really just smart strategy.

So, give it a read, apply what you learn, and watch what happens. And hey, if you’re interested in more tips on growing your short film or video projects, make sure to subscribe. There are more insights coming your way.

Gideon Shalwick

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